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Ladder Standings

Ladder Standings
Posted by GoodNews2 (VIP) Apr 28 2007 6:06PM

I noticed that the top players play about 15-20 games a day and register 55% wins. How do they stay on top with only that ratio ? How are they able to play that many games a day- day after day ? There are others with higher ratio ladder games that are much lower. ?????????

Posted by MagicGames (TD) May 11 2007 12:37PM

It is also all about who you play in ladder as well. If you play tix games and win 1 and lose 2 against a top 10 player you will still advance in ladder if you are much higher. Do that each day when you have time and you will be in the top ten soon enough as well with a less than 50% average wins. So obviously winning at 55% will get you there sooner. Tournaments help get yhou there faster as many of top 20 want to advance also and therefore are in these tournaments and so you get to meet them easier. Hope that helps. GL

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